
Thursday, April 11

We Develop from the Negatives

My apartment is literally one of the girliest places ever. It's filled with pinks, purples and pastel colors. I've got pretty post-it notes on the wall and my room is decked out in Hello Kitty. What can you say?

I just love for my living space to be happy and inspirational, a true reflection of who I am. And for someone living on a budget creating my own decoration pieces has been a fun and unique way to spice up my home and make it stand out from anyone else I know.

Photography is one of passions in life, and I recently painted this canvas to remind me to do what I love and pursue my dreams. I hung this in my room to remind me to never forget what makes me happy.

First I started out by taking my ruler and penciling in some stripes for my canvas creation.

striped box

Next I used scrapbook paper to draw and cut out a vintage Pentax camera.

Ashi Pentax

Then I used simple acrylic paint to color the stripes and glued the camera to the canvas.

stripes and glue

Then to cap it off I added one of my favorite quotes.

finished Pentax

What do you think? I love how it turned out! Now I've got an a pretty reminder hanging in my bedroom encouraging me to go after my goals. What's your ultimate dream, and how do you incorporate it into your everyday life?

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